India / 1950s
Size : W510 D680 H690 SH350 mm
Item Number : 10_06

Pierre Jeanneret
1896年生まれのスイスの建築家。ピエール・ジャンヌレは建築界の巨匠ル・コルビュジエの従兄弟であり、1922年からはコルビュジエと事務所を設立し協働した重要なパートナーとして知られています。1927年に入所したシャルロット・ペリアンと3人でLCシリーズに代表される家具のデザインを手がけています。 1950年代初期、コルビュジエとともにインド北部・パンジャブ地方の新都市(チャンディーガル)計画に参加します。コルビュジエがチャンディーガル都市計画を引き受ける条件の一つが、ジャンヌレが現地で監督を行うことでした。ジャンヌレは、コルビュジエの提案を承諾し、チャンディーガルの都市空間から建築物、家具までを総合的にデザインするという重要な役割を果たします。途中コルビュジエがプロジェクトを離脱した後もチーフアーキテクトとしてインドの近代建築の発展に寄与しました。1951年から14年間滞在し、1965年には病気のためにインドを離れます。1967年の没後、ジャンヌレの意思に従い遺灰はチャンディーガルのスクナ湖に撒かれました。
Swiss architect born in 1896. Pierre Jeanneret is a cousin of Le Corbusier, an architectural master, and has been known since 1922 as an important partner in establishing and collaborating with Corbusier. Charlotte Perrian, who joined the company in 1927, and 3 people are involved in the design of furniture represented by the LC series. In the early 1950s, we will participate in a new city (Chandigarh) project in the Punjab region of northern India with Corbusier. One of the conditions for Corbusier to undertake the Chandigarh City Plan was for Jeanne Ret to oversee it locally. Jeanneret has accepted the proposal of Corbusier and plays an important role in comprehensively designing the urban space of Chandigarh, from buildings to furniture. Even after Corbusier left the project on the way, he continued to contribute to the development of modern Indian architecture as chief architect. He stayed for 14 years from 1951 and left India in 1965 due to illness. After his death in 1967, the ashes were sown on Sukhna Lake, Chandigarh, at the will of Jean-Nure. Jean Prouve was born into an artistic family in Nancy, France; his famous father, Victor Prouve, collaborated with the great Art Nouveau artists Emile Galle and Louis Majorelle as a ceramicist. Jean Prouve himself was trained as a metal smith before attending engineering school in Nancy, and his intimate knowledge of metal remained the foundation of his work and career. After opening his own workshop in 1923, Jean Prouve began producing modern metal furniture of his own design as well as collaborating with some of the best-known French modern designers of the day, including Le Corbusier and Charlotte Perriand.